Donate Today

one time donation


Make your one-time donation to CAIR-Missouri today. Simply click on the button below to make your tax-deductible and sadaqah eligible donation.

Donation Today
Monthly Donation


By becoming a sustaining member of CAIR-MO you help provide us a consistent flow of funds that we use to provide our exceptional service. Please make a monthly pledge of $10, $20, $30, $50, $100, or any amount today. Funds will be easily taken from your account.

Donation Today
one time donation


CAIR-MO is your local civil liberties and advocacy organization that works to defend the civil liberties of all American Muslims. We are a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that is in good standing with the IRS. Your donation is Sadaqah eligible and tax-deductible.

TAX ID: 43-1916382



While donating you will be able to choose from a few campaigns.

  1. General Funds - Money goes into our operational budget to defend civil rights, build relationships with Government, hold outreach programs, and give a voice in the media.
  2. Horizon Library Project - Provide libraries in Saint Louis with good books and multimedia about Islam and American Muslims. $150 per library
  3. Civil Rights Legal Fund - Donations will go into our legal fund to defend the civil rights of American Muslims
  4. Zakat Donations - Donations that are given to CAIR-MO for Zakat purposes

Contact Us

13422 Clayton Rd,

STE 207A

St. Louis MO, 63131


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© 2015 The official website of CAIR-MO office of the Council on American Islamic Relations.All Rights Reserved.